Thursday, March 13, 2008

printmaking: the block

Printmaking was undertaken in conjunction with the study of the Canadian Arctic and the Inuit. We examined Inuit artifacts from a museo-kit and researched arctic animals and stories. In the sketchbooks we recorded our explorations and began to work out a design for our relief print. Over the two week period, each class also participated in a school program at the Glenbow Museum.

I asked for several drawings of arctic animals. I also encouraged other subjects that reflected their learning about the north. One drawing was chosen and reworked as a design using simple shapes within a traced rectangle. It was then redrawn directly on foam rubber and cut out.

First the general shape was cut out. Then other parts were cut away to produce positive and negative shapes in the design. The pieces were puzzled back together, glued onto a cardboard cereal box and tightly trimmed.

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