Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm back - with a little rant about dial-up, and new postings...

I'm on Vancouver Island. A lot of interesting things have happened at school this spring but I have not had access to high speed internet at home, so I've not been posting ongoing experiences. Blogging on dial-up seems impossible. However, thanks to friends, internet cafes, the school server and free floating wireless signals, we can continue...

I came out in February to do a workshop with the staff. We all began to work in our sketchbook, using it as a place to explore and record sensory experiences. Drawing from collections, from obsevation, with a watersoluable black pilot fineliner in a hardbound 5 x 7 sketchbook. I came back in April ito begin working with the students and parents as well. Recording, experimenting, remembering and documenting our experiences. Visual field notes. Our project involved the whole school in creative research, production and reflection as part of grade specific, collaborative inquiry projects based on authentic experiences in the natural environments. Sketchbook journals became tools for observation, documentation and reflection, both in the classroom/studio and in the field.

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